After Tooth Extractions

Post-Op Instructions

Home Instructions After

Tooth Extractions

Resuming your regular dental hygiene routine 24 hours after your procedure is crucial. Ensure that you brush and floss your teeth at least once a day. Adopting this practice will aid in accelerating the healing process, while also maintaining the freshness and cleanliness of your mouth.

A few days post-surgery, you should start feeling better and be able to return to your usual activities. However, if you experience heavy bleeding, intense pain, persistent swelling that lasts for 2-3 days, or any adverse reactions to the medication, do not hesitate to call our office right away. It is important to address these issues promptly to ensure a smooth and safe recovery.


Post tooth extraction, the formation of a blood clot is crucial as it aids in halting bleeding and kick-starts the healing journey. Immediately following your appointment, firmly bite down on a gauze pad for a duration of 30-45 minutes. In the event that bleeding or oozing continues, you should place a new gauze pad on the area and bite down with pressure for an additional 30 minutes. It might be necessary to repeat this process multiple times to effectively stop the bleeding.

Once the blood clot has formed, it’s critical to ensure that it remains undisturbed and intact. For the following 72 hours, avoid engaging in activities that could potentially disrupt the clot, such as vigorous rinsing, using straws, smoking, consuming alcohol, or brushing your teeth near the extraction site. Engaging in any of these activities can cause the clot to become dislodged or dissolve, which can negatively impact the healing process.

Additionally, you should limit strenuous physical activities for the next 24 hours since vigorous exercise can elevate your blood pressure and potentially result in increased bleeding from the extraction site. Taking these precautions will help ensure a smoother recovery.


Swelling is a typical response of the body following a surgical procedure. In order to reduce swelling, you can apply an ice bag, or utilize a plastic bag or towel filled with ice, placing it on the cheek in the region where the surgery was performed. It is recommended to apply the ice as consistently as possible during the initial 48 hours post-surgery.

You can generally expect the swelling to start diminishing after 3-4 days. Consistent application of ice and proper care will aid in managing the swelling and contribute to a smoother recovery process.


Ensure that you stay well-hydrated by drinking ample fluids. Refrain from consuming hot liquids or foods. On the day of your surgery, opt for soft foods and liquids. Aim to resume your regular diet as promptly as possible, unless you have received other instructions.


Start taking pain medication as soon as you notice the local anesthetic losing its effectiveness. For moderate levels of pain, you can take one or two tablets of Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol every 3-4 hours. Alternatively, you may choose to take Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) instead of Tylenol. Over-the-counter Ibuprofen is available in 200 mg tablets, and the recommended dosage is 2-3 tablets every four hours, ensuring that the total daily dosage does not exceed 3200mg for an adult. If the patient is under 18 years of age, please reach out to our practice for proper dosage guidance.

If you are experiencing severe pain, please ensure that you take the medication prescribed to you, strictly following the provided directions. It’s imperative that you do not consume any of the mentioned medications if you have a known allergy to them or if your doctor has advised against their use.

Refrain from driving or operating any machinery while on medication, and avoid consuming alcoholic beverages. It’s normal for pain or discomfort to gradually decrease each day following your surgery. However, if your pain continues or does not improve, it may be a sign that you require further medical attention. In such cases, please do not hesitate to contact our office.


Make certain to take the prescribed antibiotics exactly as instructed, as this is crucial in preventing any potential infections following your surgery. Following the dosage and schedule is essential for the antibiotics to be effective.

Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene plays a crucial role in facilitating a smooth healing process. On the night of your surgery, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water, or use Peridex Oral Rinse if it has been prescribed to you. Starting from the day after your surgery, continue to rinse with Peridex twice a day—once after breakfast and once before going to bed. Ensure that you rinse for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.Additionally, use warm salt water rinses (made by dissolving one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) at least four to five times a day, particularly after meals. When brushing your teeth, be extra gentle around the surgical areas, especially initially. Following these oral hygiene practices will aid in preventing infection and promoting a quicker recovery.

Resuming your regular dental care routine 24 hours after your procedure is crucial for promoting healing and maintaining oral cleanliness. Ensure that you brush and floss your teeth at least once daily. Adopting these practices will aid in accelerating the healing process, while also keeping your mouth fresh and clean.


It’s advisable to limit physical activities right after your surgery to avoid potential complications. Engaging in exercise might result in throbbing sensations or bleeding. However, after a few days and once you've started to heal, you should be able to gradually return to your regular activities. Make sure to monitor your body's response and take it easy, progressing back to your usual routine as your condition allows.
In case of heavy bleeding, intense pain, an adverse reaction to medication, or if you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to Beltran Periodontics. We are here to assist you and ensure your recovery process is as smooth and comfortable as possible. Your well-being is our top priority, so please contact us immediately under any of these circumstances.