Home Instructions After
Dental Implant Surgery
Post-dental implant surgery, it's crucial to leave the surgical site undisturbed. Refrain from rinsing your mouth, spitting, or making contact with the surgical area on the same day as your procedure. You might observe a metal healing abutment emerging from the gingival (gum) tissue.
It is typical to experience some bleeding or notice a reddish tint in your saliva for the initial 24 hours following the procedure. In the case of substantial bleeding, where your mouth quickly fills with blood, you can manage it by firmly biting down on a gauze pad positioned directly over the area of bleeding for a duration of 30 minutes. Should the bleeding persist heavily, do not hesitate to reach out for additional guidance and instructions.
Experiencing swelling after your surgical procedure is a standard response. To reduce this swelling, you can use an ice bag, or alternatively, a plastic bag or a towel filled with ice, placing it against your cheek in the surgical area. Aim to apply the ice consistently, as frequently as you can, throughout the initial 48 hours post-surgery.
Ensure that you stay well-hydrated by drinking ample amounts of fluids. Steer clear of hot beverages and foods. On the day of the surgery, opt for soft foods and liquids. You can resume your regular diet as quickly as you feel able to, unless you have been given specific different instructions.
As the local anesthesia begins to fade, it’s advisable to start taking pain relievers. For pain of a moderate level, you might consider taking one or two tablets of Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol every 3-4 hours. Alternatively, Ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin) can be used in place of Tylenol. The over-the-counter version of Ibuprofen is available in 200 mg tablets, with the recommended dosage being 2-3 tablets every four hours, ensuring not to exceed a maximum of 3200mg per day for adults. If the patient is below 18 years of age, please consult our office for appropriate dosage recommendations.
In the event of severe pain, you should follow the prescribed medication regimen as directed. It is imperative not to take any of the mentioned medications if you have a known allergy to them, or if your doctor has advised against their use. Remember not to operate vehicles or heavy machinery, and avoid consuming alcoholic beverages while taking these medications.
Pain or discomfort is expected to gradually decrease day by day following the surgery. However, if you find that the pain persists or increases, it may need professional evaluation, and we encourage you to contact our office.
In the event of severe pain, you should follow the prescribed medication regimen as directed. It is imperative not to take any of the mentioned medications if you have a known allergy to them, or if your doctor has advised against their use. Remember not to operate vehicles or heavy machinery, and avoid consuming alcoholic beverages while taking these medications.
Pain or discomfort is expected to gradually decrease day by day following the surgery. However, if you find that the pain persists or increases, it may need professional evaluation, and we encourage you to contact our office.
Ensure that you follow the prescribed antibiotic regimen as instructed, as this is crucial in preventing any potential infections post-surgery.
Oral Hygiene
Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is vital for a smooth healing process. On the evening of your surgery, it’s advisable to rinse your mouth using warm salt water, or Peridex Oral Rinse if it has been prescribed to you. Starting from the day after the surgery, continue using Peridex Oral Rinse twice daily: once after breakfast and once before bed, ensuring that you rinse for a minimum of 30 seconds before spitting it out. In addition, utilize warm salt water rinses (made with one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) at least 4-5 times each day, particularly following meals. When brushing your teeth and the area around the healing abutments, proceed with utmost care and gentleness, especially in the initial stages of brushing the surgical sites.
Post-surgery, it is crucial to limit physical activities to avoid any complications. Engaging in exercise might lead to throbbing sensations or bleeding at the surgical site. Should you experience these symptoms, it’s imperative to cease exercising immediately. Bear in mind that your usual intake of nourishment may be reduced, potentially leading to weakness and decreasing your capacity for physical activity.
Wearing your Prosthesis
It is imperative to refrain from using partial dentures, flippers, or full dentures immediately following the surgery. A waiting period of at least 10 days is recommended, or as was previously established during the pre-operative consultation.
If you experience severe symptoms such as heavy bleeding, intense pain, or have a reaction to the medication, do not hesitate to contact Beltran Periodontics immediately. Additionally, if you have any further questions or require clarification on any matter, we are here to assist you.